The Stone Forest

The Stone Forest is a very beautiful scenic spot, the scenery is very chic, and it is very large. It is very difficult for most people to finish viewing all the scenery there, and it is easy to lose direction. The traffic to the Stone Forest is not very friendly. After buying tickets at the Eastern Passenger Station, you may need wait for an hour before the bus depart and also need wait for 40 minutes to get back from The Stone Forest.

After you walk into the “forest” composed of rocks, and walking through it, you will see strange rocks of different postures. Everyone takes the phone or camera to capture this magical stone forest! Under the pinnacles engraved with two large characters of Shilin, there are more and more tourists! People are rushing to take photos here! Many tourists rent Yi costumes and put them in various poses to leave this unforgettable memory! Before “Shipingfeng”, and next to “Ashima”, everyone records this beautiful scenery!

From the big stone forest to the small stone forest by taking the scenic area battery car, the landscape is blended and the horizon is wider! Under the influence of time, the limestones are separated from each other, and after the wind and rain erosion, numerous stone peaks, stone pillars, stalagmites and stone buds have emerged, forming the Stone forest which is combining a variety of strange stones, waterfalls, lakes, caves, peaks and hills.

In the scenic area, you still have to take a battery car before you go to the ticket-checking gate. The big stone forest is composed of dense stone peaks, like a stone basin. The stone forest stands upright and has smooth lines and shows the blue-gray color. The largest independent pillar is over 40 meters high. Among them are the typical attractions such as “Lotus Peak”, “Sword Peak Pond”, “Imaginary Stone Terrace”, “Deep valley of orchids” and “Phoenix Comb”, etc. The “Wangfeng Pavilion” is the best place to appreciate “the Stone Forest”.

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